Jumat, 25 April 2014

Tugas Softskill Kedua Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama  : Dina Anggreini
Npm    : 22211141
Kelas   : 3EB06
Tugas 2

1.         Jason’s father bought him  a  bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2.         The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from   Ø  France to the  United States.
3.         Rita is studying an English and an math this semester.
4.         The judged asked a witness to tell the truth.
5.         Please give me a cup of the coffee with a cream and a sugar.
6.         a big books on the table are for my history class.
7.         When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of the chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
8.         There are only an seats left for a tonight’s musical at the University.
9.         John and Mercy went to the school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.

10.       What did you eat for a breakfast this morning?

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